Your growth

We have a full programme of CPD type courses and updates for those in client-facing and business support roles. The skills needed to thrive are changing dramatically in line with new ways of working and we are keen to ensure that everyone at GJ is comfortable and confident in all areas. Our full L&D programme includes topics such as motivation, assertiveness, and how to give feedback. As well as educational sessions on diversity and inclusivity and the essential cyber-security.

Our structure also means that you will get exposure to end-clients early on whether those are external or internal for those whose specialism applies to our own business. You won’t get lost in layers of management.

In addition to management development programmes, managers and above are encouraged to develop BD & Marketing skills early on.

To support you with your continual growth, we have a suite of online training platforms with a comprehensive range of updates to support technical and more general continuous professional development. 

Your wellbeing

We want you to thrive and we recognise that in order for that to happen, we are committed to looking after the whole of you. Whether that be your physical health, mental health emotional well-being or lived-with condition.

Support and awareness are crucial if we’re to protect our mental health. So we promote that in a number of ways.

We offer mental health counselling, and have five mental-health first-aiders onsite. We run firm-wide sessions on the importance of wellbeing and mental health, and hold regular talks on dealing with stress for our trainees in the run-up to exams.

And to keep team GJ active, there's our running club, rounders socials - and even the occasional visit to the office from a masseuse!

We believe it’s all part of our duty as a responsible and caring employer, to provide holistic support to every member of the team.  And as a fiercely independent firm, that’s not going to change.

Inclusivity and sustainability

Goodman Jones was founded on a simple but passionate belief: that a successful business is a sustainable business.

Our commitment to being a sustainable and inclusive organisation guides how we manage the firm, and the advice we give to clients. It’s why we’ve built two key pillars into our governance framework, so that all decisions take them into account.

Equality, diversity and inclusion

Our recruitment is, has always been, and will always be open to all.

We advertise our job vacancies here on our website, and on the ICAEW site. But we don’t approach any particular universities, as that might risk excluding some demographic groups.

Inclusivity has always been important. In the 80s we changed our partnership structure to ensure that partners were selected based on ability, not the ability to buy into the partnership. As a result we have long had a structure that provides for early opportunities and retains talent. We believe that’s not only important for the individuals involved but that we benefit as a firm from having the diversity of perspective to deliver a modern service.

Family is at the heart of the company’s history and culture. Our family-friendly policies for working parents include fertility support, adoption and menopause policies.

We run a diversity education programme for all employees. And we have a calendar of events to raise awareness of different aspects of diversity.


Find out what our Sustainability Committee does to minimise our effect on the planet, and make sure we contribute to the wider community.

  • Exceeded our target to reduce our energy consumption and carbon emissions as part of the Mayor’s Business Climate Challenge (BCC).
  • Commissioned a carbon footprint audit to understand the impact of our office building.
  • Converted our lighting to LED bulbs.
  • Reduced the amount of waste being sent to landfill having sourced a waste provider which has their own fully licensed Waste Recycling Centre. This facility allows them to separate recyclables and process them in the most efficient way. Some waste is being converted into fuel.
  • Eliminated the use of single use plastic in our kitchen waste.
  • Recycled the furniture in our recent refurbishment.
  • Introduced Fab little bags to reduce waste impacting on Life in the Sea.
  • We provide sustainable, ethical period products to all our staff.
  • Encouraged staff to use public transport or bicycles to work.
  • Replaced our glass water bottles with refillable alternatives.

We are also keen to support our employees in helping them to make more sustainable choices and are consulting with staff regularly to explore the best way to do that.

Our values

Client focus

Looking after our clients’ affairs as if they are our own, we invest the time to become their trusted business partners by fully understanding their needs and concerns, and devising appropriate solutions to their problems.

Excellence & efficiency

We strive for technical excellence, taking time to make the complex clear. We constantly look for innovative ways to improve our service, ensuring that our team have the skills, training and support to deliver outcomes that meet our high standards.

Ownership & responsibility

We each take personal ownership and responsibility for our actions, trusting our team with autonomy in the workplace and valuing those who see things through and take pride in their work.

Personal development

We recognise that our people are our most valuable asset. We treat each other fairly and courteously, and we work with our people to help them achieve their potential and be the best they can, whilst supporting workplace flexibility and balance in life.


Relationships flourish and we become stronger when we work together. Our partners and people are approachable and friendly, and we create a workplace environment that enables our team to collaborate effectively and deliver our specialist services to meet our clients’ needs.

Good ethics & professionalism

Relationships are built on trust, sound counsel and good ethics. We always treat each other as we treat our clients; with professionalism, courtesy, respect and sensitivity. 

Our story

2024 marks our 90th anniversary. We are committed to remaining an independent firm with a primary belief that building an inclusive and sustainable business is about doing what’s best for the long term. That has guided us in terms of how we manage our own business and the environment we build for our people to flourish and make an impact. It also informs the way we look after our clients, looking after their affairs as if they were our own and investing the time and expertise necessary to become their trusted business advisers.